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Roux Finds a Permanent Roost: Atlanta Pet Photography

We have a new puppy in our household. His name is Roux and he is quite adorable. My spouse brought him home from work where he was living in a storm drain with his Mom and three other puppies. We thought about naming him Stormy, but when he started bucking around on his leash, Buckaroo seemed more appropriate. Thinking that our older dog Barney might be confused if we called the new pup Bucky, we decided on Roo. (Turns out his little bark sounds like roo roo.)

When we took him for Sunday Brunch at the Raging Burrito in Decatur, someone suggested the spelling "Roux" and so Roux it is.

Here are few of my favorite photos of Roux.

Mutt Puppy | Atlanta Pet Photographer

Mutt Puppy | Atlanta Pet Photographer

Mutt Puppy | Atlanta Pet Photographer

Mutt Puppy | Atlanta Pet Photographer

Mutt Puppy | Atlanta Pet Photographer

Atlanta Pet Photographer